Thursday, January 21, 2010


Ok where has time gone? I am so grateful for a husband who loves me the way God tells him to...washing me with the water of His Word! Eph. 4:25. His perseverance to do this daily is such a testimony of how God truly changes a person by his renewing his mind with the Word!

I am so thrilled to be going to TX is less than 6 weeks! I made a paper link chain to count down the days with Hailey. She takes a link off everday.

God has been teaching me so much lately. Mostly it's around and around the circle of "I'm all you need Rachael!" DUH! January is always hard when my inlaws leave me for 4 months and my family being so far...then I am reminded- God is all I need.

I was reminded by the Holy Spirit today how I have such a powerful weapon...PRAYER. How often do we put down that weapon and pick up worry, doubt, and let our minds wander away down the wide path. I don't have to do that! I am His child- I CAN PRAY! So that's what I did. And will continue to do.

I am so encouraged that my daughter is hiding God's Word in her heart. She came up to me today and said "Hey mom...necessary edification!" And so I said " OH yeah, are you learning the same verse that we're learning in church? And she said it with me..."Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but only what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearer." She has also memorized the Lord's Prayer- her Daddy does it with her every night before bed. She's got it down! Praise the Lord! Nothing better.

Another thing God has been showing me is that we are to glorify Him in every decision we make every day...How difficult is that to flesh out? Not so if we are walking in the spirit...we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal. 5

Thank you God so much for my accountability partner who challenges me and asks me the tough questions and encourages me with scripture. I have learned so much through her humility and grace.

Joyful suffering. That's what the Bible Study has been about on Tuesday mornings. Not rejoicing in spite of a trial- but rejoicing because of a trial. Romans 5:3...Want hope? You must persevere through a trial first, and then recieve endurance- and then our character will be strengthened through His Word- His Spirit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovin' what God is doing in you.
You have been a treasure to me and now even more so as you are hungering for Jesus.
Keep running toward Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.
You are my precious princess.